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The Last Sheiks Of The Negev Hebrew

At the age of 12 I held a camera for the first time and went to take pictures.  A week later the magic happened: 36 black and white photos! Pictures that reminded me of the previous week, my experiences, moments and thins I saw.

We take pictures to show a moment, a place, an atmosphere or a feeling.

We look at reality out of a desire to capture it and show what we experience.

We purchase equipment, we study photography and yet we cannot always get the message out or take the picture we so wanted.

So, why do the pictures we take not always come out

Photography Workshop video Heb

Inspiration | Focus | Action

 What does esthetics and emotional intelligence have in common?
What is Creative Communication? 

How does our breathing effects the pictures we shoot?

We all know what button we should press to take a picture, but did you know that you can use your breathing to get a more stabilized and centered shot? 

We might all watch the same object, but we will give it a different interpretation.

How can we elevate tat interpretation and make it our own personal signature?

This workshop is a great opportunity to find out more about how we perceive the world, along with acquiring tools to get better results at any situation using our breathing, natural curiosity and ability to focus.  

Change the way you take pictures with your smartphone for good

And get simple yet effective management tools

We tend to forget the child within, but in order to get the most from the process and reach our goal - we need to slow down, be present, focus on the subject and connect with that child by letting our natural curiosity flow.

Together we will discover the joyful experience of creation that is truly reflecting what we aim to express.

In this special workshop, we will also create a safe psychological environment to share our experiences with others on our team, give and accept feedback and learn to know our coworkers and ourselves better from the pictures we take.

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